Wednesday Mar 23, 2022
Ep. 3 Experts in the Field: Planning for the next generation – a family lawyer’s perspective
In this episode our in-house experts consider the importance of succession planning, the value of discussion and documenting those discussions to avoid family conflict.
Farming families are unique in that they often live and work together on the largest capital asset, which is usually passed down through generations. Without open discussions and proper succession planning, this set up can all too easily lead to costly and emotional family conflict.
Our experts discuss how you can begin discussions and the documents we recommend to guard against risk which can act as an insurance policy for the future. We'll explain family constitutions, partnership agreements, wills, pre- and post-nuptial agreements, and cohabitation agreements before concluding with our key tips and takeaways.
Useful links
Article: Guide to Prenuptial Agreements in the UK
Twitter: Foot Anstey - Farms, Estates and Rural Land team